"It would be Carol, in a thousand cities, a thousand houses, in foreign lands where they would go together, in heaven and in hell." - - Patricia Highsmith, The Price of Salt 

This is my favorite book as it's something personal to me. I drew my main inspirations from my own life and how I perceived the world. This book was an escape.

Before the flat design, a mini mood board

I focused on a few words when trying to come up with the design for this book. Words that I felt would live up to the events in the book but also reflect my own desires and journey. Those words were: authentic, free and the phrase, "Alone but together".

Below are some images that heavily inspired my design. I did not draw/take any of the below images

My own inspiration

Below are some pieces I created when thinking about this story. I found it to be a creative outlet to scribble ideas out and see where it goes from there.

Below, left, was an abstract idea of a heart. There are components that make up a heart with simple shapes. I made this when thinking about the main character and her feelings.

Below, right, this is actually a drawing I did based on a famous scene from a movie. I wanted to try and see what sort of inspiration came from when I envisioned Carol through my own eyes. Who was she? How did I perceive her?

Bringing it together

After creating a mood board and even adding some of my own pieces to it, the flat design was born.

The final mockups

Per usual, this is the design on a mockup!

Thank you!

Thank you for viewing this project I created. Reading has always been one of my favorite activities. I love the way authors can make me feel a million different emotions all with simple words. It is because of this that I want to do the same, except with my design.

"Happiness was like a green vine spreading through her, stretching fine tendrils, bearing flowers through her flesh."

- Patricia Highsmith, The Price of Salt 


Wine Labels - Layout Design


Nobel Prize Poster- Layout Design